Holy Family Catholic Primary School

  1. School Info
  2. SEND
  3. SEND Information Report
  4. SEND - How will school support transitions for my child?

SEND - How will school support transitions for my child?

Transition to a new class or key stage within school:

  • There are opportunities for all children to visit their new classroom and class teacher. Some children may require extra visits to familiarise themselves and ease any anxieties.
  • Certain children may need a carefully thought out and individualised transition plan.  This will involve working closely with parents/carers in order for the preparation to continue over the summer holidays e.g a book with pictures of the new classroom and members of staff working with the child.
  • Detailed information sharing between teachers takes place during these important transition times.

Transition between Year 6 and Year 7

  • Close liaison/discussion takes place between primary and secondary staff to enable a smooth transition for pupils with SEN.
  • Transition day visits are arranged.  The number of transition visits that are arranged will depend on the individual child.
  • A child with an Education Health Care Plan in place will have a detailed transition plan. This will ensure that the most appropriate provision is in place.  These transition plans will be formulated during a multi-agency meeting.
  • In some cases, usually when an EHC is in place, a member of staff from school will accompany a child on their preliminary visit to their new school.
  • All records are shared with the new school and passed on as soon as possible.

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