Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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2021/2022 Letters

 Ukraine Fundraising_140322.pdfDownload
 Lent Fundraising 2022.pdfDownload
 CAFOD Sponsorship Form_Lent 2022.docxDownload
 School Photos_February 2022.pdfDownload
 Giant Teddy Raffle_031121.pdfDownload
 Chocolate Tombola November 2021.pdfDownload
 Mrs Barron_November 2021.pdfDownload
 Mrs Barron_November 2021.pdfDownload
 Fundraising Events_111121.pdfDownload
 Fundraising Flyer_Nov 2021.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 19



2020/2021 Letters

 Letter to Parents_180621_Teaching Staff.pdfDownload
 RSHE Survey_150621.pdfDownload
 School Photographs_June 2021.pdfDownload
 ParentMail and Communication_180521.pdfDownload
 Online Parent Consultations_April 2021.pdfDownload
 End of Spring Term 2021.pdfDownload
 Benefits of the App _ ParentMail Help.pdfDownload
 Election of Parent Governor_260321.pdfDownload
 Easter Raffle and Bingo_230321.pngDownload
 ParentMail App_170321.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 69
Last update: 2022-08-28