Holy Family Catholic Primary School

  1. School Info
  2. SEND
  3. SEND Information Report
  4. SEND - How is extra support allocated to pupils and how do they move between the different levels?
SEND - How do we identify children with SEN and assess their needs?


We have a policy of striving towards identifying learning difficulties as early as possible.

  • Children are assessed for language development during their time in Reception.  This is to assess their understanding and expression of the spoken word.  Early intervention is important as these skills are important for learning.
  • Teachers are constantly assessing and monitoring pupil’s in their care as part of their daily work.
  • Regular pupil progress meetings also help identify pupils who are not making expected progress and, therefore, require targeted support.
  • Children who fail to make expected progress, despite a targeted plan, may need more specialized assessments.  These are arranged through discussion with the class teacher, yourself and the SENCO.  Depending on the specific need a specialised assessment may be carried out by an Educational Psychologist, TESS Teacher, Speech & Language Therapist, Occupational or Physiotherapist.  Some children may need to be referred to a Paediatrician or CAMHS.
  • We work closely with parents/carers to incorporate advice from other professionals into the child’s learning plan.