Holy Family Catholic Primary School

  1. School Info
  2. SEND
  3. SEND Information Report
  4. How do we enable children with SEN and/or disability to engage in all of our activities
SEND - How do we enable children with SEN and/or disability to engage in all of our activities?


Pupils with medical needs -

  • Detailed care plans are compiled with support from the school nurse/specialist nurse in consultation with parents or carers.
  • On-going training is delivered by an appropriate health professional e.g. diabetic nurse, cystic fibrosis nurse, epilepsy nurse.
  • Where necessary and in the agreement with parents/carers and health professionals medicines can be administered in school.  A signed medicine consent form is required to be signed.
  • All staff are trained in first aid.
  • We have staff trained paediatric first aid.

How accessible is the school environment?-

  • We have an ‘anticipatory’ duty of care and work closely with health and educational professionals, parents/carers to accommodate a pupils needs and ensure a smooth transition to our school.

Including all children in activities outside the classroom, including school trips.

  • Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate.  However, if it is deemed that an intensive level of support is required then a parent/carer may be asked to accompany their child.