Holy Family Catholic Primary School

  1. School Info
  2. Open Day 2020

Open Day 2020


Welcome to Holy Family.

We hope that you find this page a useful and informative introduction to our school. When your child becomes a member of our school, you too become a member of our school community. We seek to encourage a shared commitment to the success of each individual child by involving parents as fully as possible in the life and work of the school. 

As a Catholic school, our mission is to 'Live together, work together and pray together' so that we can each become the person God has chosen us to be. We share your hope that one day, your children will go onto do great things. We share the belief that they will be able to aim high and achieve their dreams and above all we hold firm the passion to nurture and develop the young people in our care.

Our children deserve the best and we are committed to educating the whole child We will endeavour to celebrate the gifts and talents of each individual whilst delivering a curriculum that is fit for the 21st century Our staff are ambitious for each child and are committed to excellence. We offer a wealth of opportunities that will excite, engage and inspire our children to fulfil their potential and help make school a fun place to be.

Working in partnership with parents and families we believe that our children will have the best possible start to education whilst being safe in the knowledge that they are loved and valued.

Best wishes


Mrs C. Roberts


If your child was born between 1st September 2016 and 31st August 2017, they will start reception class at the start of the new school year in September 2021.

Please press play on the video to see what life at Holy Family is all about!

A Snapshot of Life in Reception Class