Holy Family Catholic Primary School

  1. Catholic Life
  2. Collective Worship
  3. CAFOD Children's Liturgy

First Sunday of Lent (26 February)

 This Lent, we think about how we can make good choices - just like Jesus did in the desert.

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Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (19 February)

Jesus asks us to love all people, even those we don't like, and to share what we have with one another.

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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (12 February)

We are reminded that we are called to make peace with our families, as well as with our brothers and sisters around the world.

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Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (5 February)

We reflect on how we can be an example for others, like a light shining to show the way.

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Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (29 January)
Jesus went onto a mountain and taught his disciples about the types of people he specially blesses and who will be happy. Some of what he said might be surprising, so let’s reflect together.

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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (22 January)
When we are sad or lonely, things can feel dark, but when someone does something nice for us, everything seems brighter again. This is the light. We consider how we can share this light with others.

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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (15 January)
We hear how the Holy Spirit came and rested upon Jesus after his baptism. We reflect on how the Holy Spirit can help us to do what is right.

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The Baptism of the Lord (8 January)
Jesus is baptised by John in the waters of the Jordan. Water is very important in baptism but also in everyday life. We think about all the ways we use water in our lives.

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Mary, the Holy Mother of God (1 January)

We hear how very ordinary people, the shepherds, visited baby Jesus and how Mary listened to what they had to say about her son. We think about how everyone is special to God.

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