Holy Family Catholic Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. English
  3. Writing


At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, it is our vision that every child will learn to write by being given real and exciting materials and opportunities. We will show and explain everyday occurrences to the children and inspire them to write about them. We will share excellent writing models to inspire children to emulate a wide variety of styles. We encourage children to read their work for enjoyment, to read it aloud to others and provide audiences for writing. We want children to have an understanding that writing has a real purpose and encourage our children to share their writing with the wider world.

English writing topics are based on stories by well-known authors and the children are given time to immerse themselves in the story and get to know the characters and story format.

Matt Goodfellow visited our school to deliver a poem writing workshop to each class
Matt Goodfellow visited our school to deliver a poem writing workshop to each class